rain on me
Tuesday, August 31, 2004 | 8:46 PM

~LiFe'S a BoX oF ChOcoLaTeS, bUt wE TaKe tHiNgS fOr gRaNteD~

~LiFe'S a BoX oF ChOcoLaTeS, bUt wE TaKe tHiNgS fOr gRaNteD~
Hi Kenny!

| 8:44 PM

Oops to the previous entry....

Sigh sigh! So bored. Its been a long time since I blogged le. Saw my friends' blogs... hmmmm. YS one never touch since 31st July... based on today's date hor... erm its one month exactly... Lol. Must be Mrs Lim's propaganda till the PC now becomes a monster le. Kekee... Got a pek pek C5 for MT... Prostitute! Its usually B4 even at the worst... What is this!!! Decided to retake and get at hell least a B3 or better A2... Which seldom appears unless I work by 'bloody ass out'. Lol! What a joke... Talk abt today's Teacher's Day... the Aces wkout is LAME erm and crap! The that Mr BULLDOG come barking and howling at us... Ai ya... whatever it is I better graduate and come back wearing a JC uniform so I can stop that Bulldog from barking and some lame bitch who always giggle when reading comics...-_-lll Such a moron... no friend is it? Must sit with us...!?

| 8:26 PM

